Tim HK lakukan pemeriksaan lokasi objek perkara terkait Batubara

Pemeriksaan Lokasi Objek Perkara

08/11/2024 – Pasaribu, Lamhot Wandi, S.H., dan Ridho Tri Febrian, S.H., melakukan agenda pemeriksaan lokasi objek perkara terkait Batubara yang berlokasi di Kelurahan Loa Tebu, Kutai Kartanegara

HK & Associates Law Office

have had an experience handles all kind of problems among others criminal law, civil law, corporate law, and others. We can also make a legal audit before you make decide about your company act. We truly appreciate the trust of HK & Associates clients in solving their every legal case with creative, keen, efficient solutions. It is our goal and commitment to meet our high standard quality of legal services.

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Jl. Damanhuri No. 3B RT. 66 Kelurahan Sungai Pinang Dalam Kecamatan Sungai Pinang Kota Samarinda Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.

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